a day in the life of a monster

1.  Wake up with bed-head.  Look cute anyway.

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2. A little morning couch-yoga to wake up.

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3. Thumb sucking + Sesame Street.  “Elmoooooooo”  “Elmooooooooo”

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4. Jake LOVES the dogs.  LOVES.

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5. The dogs LOVE Jake.

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6. Socks were worn on hands, more than feet.  Or should I say “ock!”  S’s are still a little hard to say!

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7. Socks are more fun than toys.  “ock! ock! ock! Elmoooo! Doggyyyy” 

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8. Time for a swim in the dog bed, multiple times.  Dakota loves it. [fav photo from the day]

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9. Toys were played with.  Multiple walks were taken.

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10. Lunch was eaten.  Scarfed!  Jake loves Dr. Praegers spinach potato pancakes!  “more more more”

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10.  Dogs were cuddled.

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11. And cuddled more.  Apparently kids don’t need toys.  They just need socks + dog beds to make them completely happy.

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12. “ni night”

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13. Bed was overtaken by the monster.  Then a real nap was taken. 

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14. Delicious, healthy, kid friendly oat bars were made.  Jake loved them and you will too.  Recipe coming Monday!! 

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15. “Ni night”

<3 The Monster